The day has arrived. Tonight is the Town Hall for Hope session Live with Dave Ramsey. Have you not heard about this yet? Tonight Dave will address those who are tuning in live at locations across America and tell them not to participate in the recession. For a location near you click here. This is going to occur at 8pm Eastern time. So for me here in Dallas, TX is will be 7pm Central time. I highly recommend you attend this meeting. It is not one of those meetings where someone from the audience stands up and asks a questions. This is one hour of Dave Ramsey addressing the nation via satellite to thousands of locations across the U.S.
What I like best about this is that Dave is not charging for this event, he really truly cares about getting the truth out about the recession and not believing everything that the government is saying and doing. He is not waiting for Oprah to invite him on the show he is creating his own platform and probably using his own marketing dollars to do so. I must say if I had the funds I would sponsor such an event. One day I will though.
I am excited about tonight, i’ll be sure to take pen and paper with me to the event so I can take notes and share my thoughts with you tomorrow. Have a blessed day!
-Debt Free Hispanic