Recently, I wrote an article about turning change into cash and today I received an email that it was published on It is probably easy to get an article on the site but I am still proud of it. The name of the article is Pennies add up to dollars. I must say that this speaks to so many people. It all goes back to Dave Ramsey’s baby steps. When you take one step at a time you can get anywhere. The same is true in the financial realm. Every penny collected can add up over time, especially if there is any interest attached to the account that the penny sits in.

One Penny
I thought i’d write this post as a reminder to keep saving money. I constantly transfer money from my checking account into my savings account. For me if I see money in my checking account I tend to think about all the merchandise that I can buy. When I transfer money to my savings, surprisingly those thought tend to diminish.
So next time you throw away a penny or walk past one remember that there is a family out there that is saving them up into thousands of dollars.
Congrats on the publication! I enjoy your blog posts.